Jelena Tomasevic, the Serbian entrant for Belgrade 08, is not one bit happy that Ireland are entering a turkey puppet for this year's contest.
She is quoted as saying...'What I dislike most is the direction in which some countries are going.I'm thinking first and foremost about Ireland.I think it is totally bizarre and the banalisation of a once respected musical event. I simply can't compete against a turkey.Isn't it the whole point that the singer performing a song can be seen? Perhaps he is backstage and it is playback!'
I wonder why some countries are treating the ESC as a banal event these days...hmmm...any ideas Jelena?
Dustin was not available for comment!
Obviously she doesn't realise that it's all a backlash against the eastern domination of the ESC, and the fact that no matter what Ireland/Western Europe put in, they'll never win?
Puhlease people...perhaps you should consider that the domination of Eastern European countries is because they are submitting interesting songs that are staged well.
If Ireland or indeed, any Western European country put in the effort that the East is there may well be a different result.
Last years Irish entry, for example, could have been submitted 25 years ago and, well, the performance on the night was shall we say not the best.
Perhaps instead of moaning and groaning about this, you could REALLY examine what's songs are doing well and why. And then send something to counter that instead of sending boring as bat shite orinary dull pop (hello Norway)
Honestly you're all sounding as tired and bitter as Wogan and boy does it hurt to have to say that.
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