The visitors to this blog have voted that the UK should send a ballad to Belgrade if they want to stand a chance of doing well at next year's Eurovision Song Contest.
The poll results were:
42% Ballad
33% Pop
21% Rock
4% Rap
Could a ballad help the UK's recent depressingly low placings? Maybe! When was the last UK ballad (apart from Cyndi in 2007 who so should have gone to Helsinki instead of those Ryanair rejects)?...Oh Yes! That would be Jessica Garlick! Ah...those were the days, a top 10 placing for the UK.
So please, UK, no trashy tackiness next year, put a "real" song in! It couldn't do any worse than recent efforts!
Ballads are boring! This vote was clearly rigged!
well, schlagerboys...you'd know all about rigging a vote wouldn't you??!!??
How very dare you! We only rig votes in exceptional circumstances when our favourite songs don't get in to the super finale!
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