We have arrived at what we think is the best Junior Eurovision song of all time....and ironically it was the very first Junior song performed back in 2003! It is, of course, the adorable little Nicolas and the girls from Greece with the fantastic Fili Yia Panta which translates as Friends forever. Aah!
When Nicolas took to the stage , all 2ft 4 of him, holding what looked like the world's biggest microphone, we knew that Junior Eurovision was going to be very different! And so it proved. The lack of nerves, the professionalism, and the sheer talent of these youngsters was amazing. This song, with its built-in rap, won the hearts of Eurovision Express (who were in the audience to witness this phenomenon).
Congratulations Nicolas and Greece. Helena Papawotsit...no, Nicolas is the true Greek Eurovision star!
Keep voting on who will win this year's contest on this blog. We will reveal our "top tip" for Saturday's contest and will be throwing a few shillings on it!
Bonne chance a tous!
Meanwhile, let's hear Nicolas and the girls one more time!!
Didn't my great grandson do well?
Yeesh, if you were going to go Greek for #1, you should've picked "Tora einai i seira mas" from 05, which along with Arabiens Drom and Antes Muerta Que Sencilla are actually the only 3 good songs ever to be in JESC :)
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