Kicking off the new Eurovision Year this weekend, it's the first preview of songs in the Slovenian selection. January 6th is the date, and RTVSLO is the place. There are other preview shows from RTVSLO on 13th, 20th and 27th January, culminating in the semi and final on 1st and 2nd February. Hurrah! Now that Coronation Street is being axed from Sunday schedules, we will be tuning in to review the songs each week....here are the songs that we will hear this Sunday:
Skupina Langa - Za svobodo divjega srca
Gabriel, Slovenia United & Grupa občanov - Kako je ne bi imel rad
Mirna Reynolds - Lepi fantje
Dennis - Ni me sram
Petra - Extrem
No well known names here from the Eurovision circuit, as yet! Appearing in coming weeks will be EMA faves - Andraž Hribar (2002/2003), Rebeka Dremelj (2004/2005) and Johnny Bravo (2005). Alas no Karmen, Sestre, or Nusa this year. Hey Ho!
Slovenia always gives us an entertaining final so we will be on the lookout for some quality entries over the next few Sundays
How fabulous! Lets hope someone has the decency to walk on stage through a mandoline this year...
But where's Natalija Verboten and her manic, "chuck everything in and we might just win" dance routine???
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