Monday 28 January 2008

Fowl-Play for Ireland?

According to the allkindsofeverything website, Ireland may be resorting to a very odd way of chasing success in Belgrade. One of Ireland's biggest star-puppets - Dustin the Turkey - is rumoured to have a song in their national final, scheduled for 23rd February. Who? What? Yes, indeed, a turkey!

Well, it certainly is different. And let's face it, Ireland need to do something really different to improve their success, as their Eurovision "heyday" is very much in the past. Can Dustin turn things around? Well, it sure is a far cry from Linda Martin and Johnny's a bit of Dustin in a TV commercial.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember a "Dustin for President" campaign in if he's that popular, he can surely win the national final!