Thursday 20 May 2010

Balkan delights

Eurovision Express made its way to the Serbian part last night, which was great!

The Serbs treated us to some much appreciated free wine, and a great concert by Goran Bregovic, and of course the Serbian entrant, Milan. 

Plenty of this year's Eurovision singers were there, including Hera from Iceland, the Lithuanian boys, Feminnem from Croatia and Marcin from Poland. 

Milan's song was one of those entries that prior to arriving in Oslo, we weren't that keen on.  But we're starting to really get into it.  It certainly went down well with the 'Balkan' boys below.


1 comment:

Schlagerboys said...

Is that a Schlagerboy I see in there? I'm not happy about this re-branding! I'll be having words!
Schlagerboy number 2.