Monday 17 May 2010

Butterfly strings and wings

Just two more songs today.  Belarus looks great, and has the same feel as the preview video.  The group, 3+2 are well dressed, the 2 guys in black suits and the 3 girls in fantastic golden gowns.  A pianist is located stage right. The backdrop is made up of 5 lush draped red curtains, giving the song a very theatrical feel.  It looks very different from any of the previous songs we've heard.
However there are a couple of moments that take away from the classy presentation: there is a camera shot where a couple of paper butterlies are seen 'flying' over the stage action, and towards the end the girls' dresses change, rather unsubtly, to have butterfly wings.  The question is whether these elements enhance the performance, or detract, making it laughable.  We shall see. 


Anonymous said...

wow the costumes are amazing..this is the winner for sure

Jessica Bisquite said...

One of my favs this year and a dark horse and one that could surprise and do really well.