Monday 17 May 2010

Euroclubbing Moldovans like to party

Last night we ventured to the official Euroclub, located at Smuget in the city centre.  A much more intimate venue than last year's Eurodom, the club is made up of a two main rooms, the second of which has a small stage. 

Initially the music was not of the Eurovision variety, but eventually a DJ from OGAE Slovenia started spinning a few classics.  After about 5 songs we were told that it was time for a live band called Hit Parade.  We were a bit concerned we might hear lots of songs we'd never heard before, but Hit Parade actually seems to be a covers band. 

They kicked off with Carola's Invincible and then sang a few other hits from the 80s and 90s. 

Hit Parade's lead female singer invited any Eurovision singers in the crowd to come on stage, and the Moldovan contingent, plus a member of the Belarussian delegation, readily obliged with some nifty dance moves! 

After a few more songs it came time for the Moldovans to present a little concert of their own, which was a lively affair to say the least! 

Other Eurovision singers that we spotted included Marcin from Poland and Feminnem from Croatia.  Just before 1am we called it a night, ready for today's second batch of rehearsals.  Keep your eyes peeled to Eurovision Express for our reports.

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