So, at last, all six songs vying to represent the UK at the Eurovision are available to listen to.
And Eurovision Express is throwing its support behind Rob McVeigh with a classy ballad - I Owe It All To You. Rob was one of the contenders on Any Dream Will Do, the TV reality show to find a new star to play the title role in Andrew Lloyd Webber's Joseph and his Techinicolor Dreamcoat.
With dreams of playing Joseph gone, Rob's now focussing his efforts on representing the UK, and we wish him well.
In the final shake-up we reckon it will be between Rob and The Revelations with It's You, which reminds us of Belle And The Devotions and Sonia's A Little Love from A Song For Europe 1993.
Fingers crossed then for Rob - after the disappointment of the UK not choosing Cyndi last year, we hope the British public does the right thing, and votes for Rob!
What are you on about? Andy Abraham to romp home(some relation to the colonel!). Lets get some r'n'b vibe going!
We agree with Eurovision Express.
The prospect of having an entry from the Lovely Rob has us all of a quivver!
Do you think he'll be wearing his yellow safety hat, some faded 501's and a ripped white t-shirt?
Funkster - Andy A? I don't think so!!!
Funkster - He'll be back on the bins come Monday!
We'd rather have Dustin The Turkey!
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