So here we go.....the start of the second dress rehearsal of this year's Final. The show starts with a fascinating performance by Cirque du Soleil.
If you've ever seen this modern circus' work on tour or in Vegas, you'll know how fantastic they are. And this introductory act does not disappoint. There's breath-taking acrobatics galore.
The excitement continues with Dima Bilan descending from the roof of the auditorium, ending up on a walkway which cleverly allows him to run through polystyrene brick walls before he sings last year's Eurovision winner, Believe.

It's a very good start to the show.
We're then introduced to the presenters - Alsou aand Ivan Urgant. How will they shape up to the job? Very well. They don't shout too much (an annoying habit that many presenters have recently adopted), and Alsou has a great grasp of French. The verdict from everyone here is that they are excellent. What a relief after the rather laissez-faire approach employed by the semi-final presenters.

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