Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Cyprus and Slovakia

This could be a good song, and the stage performance is quite nice. There are 3 big sugar lumps, one of which revolves with Christina on top. The main problem, and this comes as no real surprise, is that the vocals sound poor. Greece will vote for it, but will anyone else? Not a qualifier.

By this stage in the proceedings the viewing public might be hoping for something great, but although Slovakia's performers are fantastic, the song isn't. There's no real melody to hook you in. We can't believe this will qualify.


Anonymous said...

kamil and nela are offering a great masterpiece although many people dont like it. Slovakian entry is not about hot dancers, trashy nothing saying lyrics and overrated promotion. Maybe it is not gonna win, maybe it is not gonna get to final (although i wish it very much) but i am really proud that Slovakia after 10 years of absence send a really quality performance of both artists. So Kamil an Nela good luck we are proud of you and we stand behind you no matter if Europe will be able to appreciate how talented and classy performers you are.

Anonymous said...

finally good voices! these two singers and Jade from the UK give the show some art qualities finally...

Anonymous said...

Maybe if they sang in English they would get more votes but why to sing always in English to please other countries when Slovakian language has also a lot to offer coz sounds lovely.. great voices indeed... hi from Cyprus:)

Anonymous said...

Slovakia is a very spiritual country and this song is a great evidence of this fact... all the best, we like you even if we don't understand the lyrics..we are touched :):):) ciao un baccio da Milano, Italy

Anonymous said...

Slovakia performed amazing and the articles on this web are pretty you guys have any general knowledge about art, music, etc coz i dont think so...

Anonymous said...

little too strong voices but very classy and fine performance really... finally something different than hop hop lalala half naked show.. Edith

Anonymous said...

little depressive but beautiful really... I heard the female singer is only 17??? wow congrats Slovaks:) kisses from Amsterdam